Pro Se Forms
Self-Representation Warning:
Important Information . . . Please Read Carefully.
All documents that you file with the court will be available to the public on the internet and the court’s docket.
You are responsible for protecting your identity from possible theft. You must remove certain personal identifying information from all documents before you submit the documents to the court for filing. It is not the court’s responsibility to remove personal identifying information from your documents before they are electronically docketed.
Also, a litigant, whether represented by counsel, or appearing pro se, must not put certain types of personal identifying information in documents for filing. This rule applies to ALL documents submitted for filing, including pleadings, exhibits to pleadings, notice of appeals, briefs, and any other document submitted by any party for filing. If a litigant finds it necessary to submit a document containing personal identifying information, the litigant must “black out” or redact the personal identifying information prior to submitting the document to the Clerk of Court for filing.
Types of Personal Information that MUST be removed or redacted from documents before filing:
Social Security Number or Other Personal Identifier
Names of Minor Children
Names of Victims of a Sexual Offense
Financial Account Numbers
Any other information deemed personal and private by any federal or state constitution, statute, regulation, executive order, or court ruling (e.g., privacy rules under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act ("HIPAA"), Internal
Revenue Service ("IRS") income tax filings, etc.)
To the extent that reference to another person is likely to reveal the identity of a minor or victim of a sexual offense, you must identify that person with initials or a generic term in any document that you file in the court. See Loc.App.R. 13.2. If you include any of the above personal and private information, the court will strike your document from the docket.