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The 8th District's Very Own Court Administrator Erin O'Toole Receives National Recognition!

Jan 3, 2024, 13:22 by User Not Found
Congratulations to Court Administrator Erin O’Toole, who was among 40 court professionals recently honored for receiving national recognition as certified court manager.

photo of Erin O'TooleCongratulations to Court Administrator Erin O’Toole, who was among 40 court professionals recently honored for receiving national recognition as certified court manager.

Court Administrator O’Toole completed a three-year Court Management Program (CMP) offered by the National Center for State Courts, which ended on August 23, 2019 with a ceremonial celebration at the Thomas J. Moyer Ohio Judicial Center’s law library in Columbus, Ohio. Justice Judith L. French offered keynote remarks to graduates and their guests, as did the Court’s Judicial College director Christy Tull and the Court’s new administrative director, Jeff C. Hagler.

The program increased Magistrate O’Toole’s skills and knowledge from active participation and provided her with a strong network of court professionals throughout the state.

Court Administrator O’Toole began her legal career at the County Public Defender’s Office while attending evening law school at Cleveland Marshall. She later engaged in a high volume civil litigation practice at a reputable mid-sized law firm, gaining valuable experience in municipal, state and federal courts. These experiences cultivated in her a dedication to public service, a desire to provide access to justice for all, as well as an appreciation for efficient processes that best serve the needs and expectations of the court’s users and practitioners. She joined the Eighth District Court of Appeals in 2001 where she has excelled in several positions at the court. She worked as a judicial attorney for retired Judge James J. Sweeney and Judge Sean C. Gallagher prior to being promoted to the position of staff attorney and then Deputy Court Administrator. In 2017, she was promoted to serve as the Court Administrator and Magistrate. O’Toole’s rise at the court has provided her with a well-rounded, unique perspective and specialized skillset that have been instrumental in her ability to wear many hats and to ensure the efficient operation of the largest appellate court in Ohio.

Under her leadership and during her short tenure as Court Administrator, the court has implemented several new initiatives to increase the efficiency of the court and provide greater access to the public, including the overhaul of the court’s website, the updating of the court’s local rules, and the pursuit of grant opportunities. O’Toole has collaborated with the court’s 12 judges to focus on increasing resources to better assist the underserved and most vulnerable in the legal system — the unrepresented. Notably, the court has supported and featured the local bar association’s launch of a new pro bono appeals pilot program for people who cannot afford counsel in civil cases on appeal. Court Administrator O’Toole encourages and supports the ongoing professional and educational development of the court’s excellent staff. O’Toole credits the talents and innovation of the judges and entire court staff, as well as the educational opportunities being provided by the Ohio Supreme Court, for the ability to advance the court in its mission to serve the practitioners, court users, and the community.

Thank you Erin!