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Judge Emanuella D. Groves Awarded the 2022 Ronald B. Adrine Trailblazer Award

Jan 3, 2024, 10:06 by User Not Found
Congratulations to Judge Emanuella D. Groves, who has been named a 2022 Trailblazer by The Norman S. Minor Bar Association.

Judge Groves holding an award
Delanté Spencer Thomas (left), Judge Emanuella D. Groves (center), and Anastasia Elder (right)—a mentee of Judge Groves.

Congratulations to Judge Emanuella D. Groves, who has been named a 2022 Trailblazer by The Norman S. Minor Bar Association for her significant contributions to the advancement of diverse legal professionals and her commitment to advancing diversity in the legal field.

Judge Groves was honored with this prestigious award on Saturday, October 29, 2002, as part of the 2022 Trailblazer Gala.