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Appellate Judges Preside Over Cleveland-Marshall College of Law Moot Court Night

Jan 3, 2024, 13:20 by User Not Found
Eighth District Court of Appeals Judges Patricia Blackmon and Michelle Sheehan, along with Ohio Supreme Court Justice Michael Donnelly, presided over the Annual Cleveland-Marshall College of Law Moot Court Competition program on November 7, 2019.

Judges Patricia Blackmon and Michelle Sheehan, along with Ohio Supreme Court Justice Michael Donnelly, presided over the Annual Cleveland-Marshall College of Law Moot Court CompetitionEighth District Court of Appeals Judges Patricia Blackmon and Michelle Sheehan, along with Ohio Supreme Court Justice Michael Donnelly, presided over the Annual Cleveland-Marshall College of Law Moot Court Competition program on November 7, 2019. The mock moot court competition prepares the students for upcoming national competitions.